收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.My missing for you is like a roaring river flowing day and night.

2.In my heart there is a secret. It is contained in only four wordsl miss you sorely.

3.I know you like this s ong most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you.

4.I miss you very much in these year.Time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change.

5.You are my white time the most simple miss. 浣犳槸鎴戠函鐧芥椂鍏夐噷鏈€鍗曠函鐨勬兂蹇点€?/p>

6.You give me a bunch of roses, bathing the morning dew; you see me off with sunshine. Nowadays, roses are still there but we are not together.I miss you very much in a starry night in autumn.

7.I heel over head fall in love with you.

8.Time flies by and I remember I havent seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.

9.Sometimes, youre missing someone so much, but when that somebody shows up, you do nothing. 鈥斺€旀湁鏃跺€?鏃ュ鎬濆康銆傚彲鏄綋鎬濆康鐨勪汉鍑虹幇鍦ㄧ溂鍓?浣犲嵈瀹変箣鑻ョ礌銆?/p>

10.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.鐢熸椿涓€绘湁涓€浜涙椂鍊?浣犲お鎯冲康涓€涓汉,鍙兂鎶婁粬浠粠浣犵殑姊︿腑鎷藉嚭鏉ョ劧鍚庣湡鐪熷垏鍒囧湴鎷ユ姳浠栦滑銆?/p>

11.Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you!

12.Your passinate eyes are like glittering stars.They glitter in my heart lightly.

13.Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you鈥檙e never apart, you鈥檒l never really know how strong your love is.鎯冲康涓€涓汉鏄埍鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎銆傚鏋滀綘浠粠鏈垎绂?灏辨案杩滀笉浼氱湡姝f槑鐧戒綘浠殑鐖辨湁澶氬己澶с€?/p>

14.Please don t keep silence all the time and don t wait just for waiting. May the boat with my love sail into your heart.

15.Why should a lifetime to forget someone, because you do not try to forget, but always remember, in looking forward, in the dream. 鈥斺€斿繕璁颁竴涓汉涓轰粈涔堣涓€杈堝瓙,鍥犱负浣犳牴鏈病鏈夎瘯鐫€鍘诲繕璁?鑰屾槸涓€鐩村湪鎬€蹇?鍦ㄦ湡寰?鍦ㄥ仛姊︺€?/p>

16.No matter where life brings us, we will always miss that person we once knew before. 涓嶇鐢熸椿灏嗘垜浠甫鍒板摢閲?鎴戜滑閮戒細姘歌繙鎬€蹇垫垜浠浘缁忕啛鎮夌殑閭d釜浜恒€?/p>

17.Forgetting someone doesnt mean never think of him, but thinking of him with a calm heart銆傚繕璁颁竴涓汉,骞堕潪涓嶅啀鎯宠捣,鑰屾槸鍋跺皵鎯宠捣,蹇冧腑鍗翠笉鍐嶆湁娉㈡緶銆?/p>

18.I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you銆?/p>

19.Missing someone is your hearts way of reminding you that you love them.鎯冲康涓€涓汉鏄綘鐨勫績鍦ㄦ彁閱掍綘,浣犲湪鐖辩潃ta銆?/p>

20.No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find their way back to you. Missing you. 鏃犺鎴戜滑鐩歌窛澶氫箞閬ヨ繙,鎴戠殑鎬濆康鎬诲湪浣犵殑韬竟銆傛兂浣?

21.Time does not wait for me, is you, forget to take me away鏃堕棿娌℃湁绛夋垜,鏄綘,蹇樹簡甯︽垜璧?

22.I miss your smile, but I miss mine more.鎴戞兂蹇典綘鐨勫井绗?浣嗘垜鏇存兂蹇垫垜鐨勫井绗戙€?/p>

23.It doesnt hurt anymore, but I miss the days we spent together, only you and me.瀹冧笉浼氬啀鐥?浣嗘垜浼氭兂蹇垫垜浠竴璧峰害杩囩殑鏃ュ瓙,浣犲拰鎴戙€?/p>

24.I miss your smile, but Ive missed mine more. 鎴戞兂蹇典綘鐨勫井绗?浣嗘垜鏇存兂蹇垫垜鐨勩€?/p>

25.You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them.浣犲彲浠ラ潪甯哥埍涓€涓汉,浣嗙埍姘歌繙娌℃湁鎯冲康閭d箞娣便€?/p>

26.The nights I dont dream about you are the nights I stay up thinking of you. 鍦ㄦ病鏈夋ⅵ瑙佷綘鐨勬櫄涓?鎴戞暣鏅氶兘鍦ㄦ兂浣犮€?/p>

27.I have never missed anyone as much as I miss you.鎴戜粠娌℃兂蹇典换浣曚汉,鍍忔兂蹇典綘杩欎箞澶氥€?/p>

28.Do you know there s someone thnkng of you and carng you all the tme ? Your smlng eyes are just lke the sparklng stars hangng on the curtan of my heart.浣犵煡閬撲箞,鏈変釜浜烘椂鏃舵兂蹇电潃浣?鎯﹁浣?浣犲惈绗戠殑鐪肩潧,璞℃槦鍏夐棯闂?缂€鍦ㄦ垜鐨勫績骞曚笂,澶滃浜櫠鏅躲€?/p>

29.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the icecold water you have drunk into tears.浣犵煡閬撴€濆康涓€涓汉鐨勬粙鍛冲悧,灏卞儚鍠濅簡涓€澶ф澂鍐版按,鐒跺悗鐢ㄥ緢闀垮緢闀跨殑鏃堕棿娴佹垚鐑唱銆?/p>

30.I miss when we were close and told each other everything.鎴戞兂蹇垫垜浠浘缁忕殑浜插瘑鍜屾棤璇濅笉璇淬€?/p>

31.Is missing you in the dream.鍦ㄦⅵ閲屾兂鐫€浣?/p>

32.Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory.

33.We never really move on, what we do is find someone else to think about.鎴戜滑浠庢病鏈夌湡鐨勫繕璁拌繃鍘?鎴戜滑鍙槸鎵惧埌浜嗗彟涓€涓兂蹇电殑浜恒€?/p>

34.it鈥檚 late at night and I can鈥檛 sleep. (澶滃凡娣辨垜鏃犳硶鍏ョ潯) Because I missing you just runs too deep. (鍥犱负鎴戝浣犵殑鎬濆康澶繁) oh, I cant breathe thinking of your smile. (鎯冲康浣犵殑绗戝鎴戝嚑涔庝笉鑳藉懠鍚? 鐜板湪鎴戞兂璁╀綘鏉ラ櫔鎴?鎴戜笉鎯冲啀涓€涓汉浜嗐€?forever

35.Acacia sorrow, meet pain, stay bitter, forget difficult.鐩告€濇剚,鐩歌鐥?鐩稿畧鑻?鐩稿繕闅俱€?/p>

36.Missing is like a horse, leaving without stopping.鎬濆康濡傞┈,鑷埆绂?鏈仠韫勩€?/p>

37.I like who I am now, but I miss our past.

38.I loved you. I leave you. I鈥檒l miss you. 鏇剧粡鐖辫繃浣犮€傜幇鍦ㄦ垜璧颁簡銆傚皢鏉?鎴戣繕浼氭兂蹇典綘銆?/p>

39.For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.

40.I can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.

41.Sometimes, it鈥檚 not the person you miss. It鈥檚 the feeling you had when you were with them.鏈夋椂鍊?浣犳兂蹇电殑涓嶆槸鍝釜浜恒€備綘鎯冲康鐨勬槸鍜屼粬浠湪涓€璧风殑鎰熻銆?/p>

42.I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although Ive no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.

43.I miss how happy I was with you.鎴戞兂蹇?鏇捐窡浣犲湪涓€璧风殑.鎴戞湁澶氬揩涔愩€?/p>

44.Truth is, I miss you. All the time, every second, every minute, every hour, every day. 鈥斺€旂湡鐩告槸,鎴戞兂浣犮€傛棤鏃舵棤鍒讳笉鎯充綘,姣忎竴鍒?姣忎竴绉?姣忎釜灏忔椂,姣忎竴澶┿€?/p>

45.I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by.鎴戞兂闅忕潃涓€澶╁ぉ杩囧幓,鎴戝浣犵殑鎬濆康涔熷湪涓€澶╁ぉ娣°€?/p>

46.Never give up on someone that you can鈥檛 go a day without thinking about.姘歌繙鍒斁寮冧竴涓綘姣忓ぉ閮藉湪鎯冲康鐨勪汉銆?/p>

47.I miss you, I miss you, always miss you means maybe I have missed you. 鎴戞€濆康浣?鎴戞€濆康浣?鎬绘槸鎬濆康浣?涔熻鎰忓懗鐫€鎴戝凡缁忓け鍘讳綘浜?

48.I think I have got tired of eating alone playing alone sleeping alone but, except, missing you alone.

49.Love you銆乼hink of you.love you secretly,love you eagerly,wait ,feel disappointed,try hard,lose,and feel sad,go apart,and recall.these are for sake of you.And I will regret for it. 鐖辨厱浣?鎬濆康浣犮€傞粯榛樺湴鐖变綘,鐑垏鍦扮埍浣犮€傜瓑寰呭悗,椤胯澶辨湜,鍔姏杩?鍊嶆劅蹇т激,鏄庢槑瑕佹斁寮冨嵈鍙堥噸鎯宠捣銆傝繖涓€鍒囬兘鏄负浜嗕綘銆傛垜鎬绘湁涓€澶╀細鍚庢倲銆?/p>

50.Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.鍗冧竾涓嶈蹇界暐涓€涓埍浣犲湪涔庝綘鎯冲康浣犵殑浜?鍥犱负鏈変竴澶╀綘閱掓潵鏃朵細鍙戠幇,浣犳暟鏄熸槦鏃堕敊杩囦簡鏈堜寒銆?/p>

51.We don鈥檛 need to meet again for we are just passersby. To forget is the best memoration for each other. 寰堝浜轰笉闇€瑕佸啀瑙?鍥犱负鍙槸璺繃鑰屽凡銆傞仐蹇樺氨鏄垜浠粰褰兼鏈€濂界殑绾康

52.If i see you next to never, how can we say forever. 濡傛灉鎴戜滑,涓嶈兘鐩歌 鎴戜滑鐨勭埍,鍙槸姘歌繙鐨勬€濆康

53.I miss those happy moments we shared together.鎴戞兂蹇甸偅浜涙垜浠竴璧峰害杩囩殑蹇箰鏃跺厜銆?/p>

54.Sometimes even though youre having a good time, you cant help but stop and think about how much you miss the old times. 鏈夋椂鍊欏嵆浣夸綘姝g帺鍎垮緱寮€蹇?涔熷繊涓嶄綇浼氬仠涓嬫潵鎯冲埌,浣犳湁澶氭兂蹇甸偅浜涢€濆幓鐨勬椂鍏夈€?/p>

55.I always miss you ,so i miss you,so i miss you,so i miss you so much now.鎴戞€绘槸閫冮伩浣?浜庢槸鎴戦敊杩囦簡浣?缁堜簬鎴戝け鍘讳簡浣?浠ヨ嚦浜庢鍒荤殑鎴戝姝ゅ湴鎯冲康浣犮€?/p>

56.I miss the happy chaos you brought to my life.鎴戞兂蹇典綘鏇剧粰鎴戝甫鏉ュ垢绂忕殑灏忔贩涔便€?/p>

57.Haven meet you for such a long time, i will miss you濂戒箙涓嶈浜?鎴戜細鎯冲康浣?

58.Death is not terrible. Forgetting is the final farewell. Please remember the people you love and loved.姝讳骸骞朵笉鍙€?閬楀繕鎵嶆槸鏈€缁堢殑鍛婂埆,璇疯浣忎綘鐖辩潃鍜岀埍杩囩殑浜恒€傗€斺€斻€婂姊︾幆娓歌銆?/p>

59.Dont because of losing someone doesnt love you, love you for you sad.涓嶈鍥犱负澶卞幓涓€涓笉鐖变綘鐨勪汉,璁╃埍浣犵殑浜轰负浣犻毦杩囥€?/p>

60.I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. Even if let me say this one thousand times,I will never get tired of it.鎴戞兂浣?鎴戞兂浣?鎴戞兂浣犲憖 鍗充娇璁╂垜璇翠竴鍗冮亶鎴戜篃姘歌繙涓嶄細鍘屽€︺€?/p>

61.Past a toast to love don t look back鏁線浜嬩竴鏉厭 鍐嶇埍涔熷埆鍥炲ご

62.I miss you,I miss you,I miss you. 閬囪,鎯冲康,閿欒繃浣犮€?/p>

63.Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.瀛ょ嫭瀵傚癁鐨勬椂鍊?鎴戜細闈欓潤鐨勬兂鐫€鏌愪汉銆?/p>

64.Thinking of the first sight,it was dizzying and fantastic.But when the mind is changed,everything would fades away.鎯宠捣褰撳垵鐩歌,浼煎ぉ鏃嬪湴杞?褰撴剰蹇垫敼鍙?濡傝繃鐪间簯鐑?/p>

65.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them, knowing you can鈥檛 have them. 鏈€鍧忕殑鎯冲康灏辨槸鍧愬湪浠栦滑鐨勬梺杈?鏄庣煡涓嶈兘娌℃湁浠栦滑銆?/p>

66.I ll think of you every step of the way. 鎴戜細鎯充綘,鍦ㄦ极婕暱璺殑姣忎竴姝ャ€?/p>

67.i miss you so much already and i haven鈥檛 even left yet!灏界杩樹笉鏇剧寮€,鎴戝凡瀵逛綘鏈濇€濇毊鎯?

68.I miss you, and I鈥檝e been missing you for a while銆傛垜寰堟兂浣?鎯充綘寰堜箙浜嗐€?/p>

69.want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.鎯宠鍐嶈鎰夸负鏃朵笉杩溿€傛垜鍧氫俊浣犺兘鍚銆?/p>

70.It doesnt matter how often we see each other what matters most is how much we think about each other. 瑙佹垨涓嶈,骞朵笉閲嶈,閲嶈鐨勬槸鎯冲康鏈夊娣便€?/p>

71.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 鈥斺€旂旱鐒朵激蹇冮毦杩?涔熶笉瑕佹剚鐪変笉灞?鍥犱负浣犱笉鐭ヨ皝浼氱埍涓婁綘鐨勭瑧瀹光€︹€?/p>

72.Before I planned no to see you any more.The simple "hello" has already changed my mind. 浠庡墠鎴戣鍒掍簡濂戒箙涓嶈鍐嶈浣?涓€鍙モ€滃ソ涔呬笉瑙佲€濆氨褰诲簳鏀瑰彉浜嗘垜鐨勬兂娉曘€?/p>

73.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inones hand. Its about having each tiny wish e true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when youneed love.

74.I wish nothing but the best, for you too.鎶涘嵈绾犵紶,鍐嶆妸鐩告€濆瘎宸北

75.Sometimes, I do miss how it feels when youre around.鏈夋椂鍊?鎴戠湡鐨勫緢鎯冲康浣犲湪韬竟鐨勬劅瑙夈€?/p>

76.I miss you so much already and I haven鈥檛 even left yet! 灏界杩樹笉鏇剧寮€,鎴戝凡瀵逛綘鏈濇€濇毊鎯?

77.I started missing you as soon as we said goodbye.鍒氳浜嗗啀瑙?灏卞紑濮嬫兂蹇点€?/p>

78.You are new to the joy, long time never tire of, never forget, think like crazy, is a full of poetry, human April day.浣犳槸涔嶈涔嬫,涔呭涓嶅帉,蹇靛康涓嶅繕,鎬濅箣濡傜媯,鏄竴韬瘲鎰忓崈瀵荤€?浜洪棿鍥涙湀澶┿€?/p>

79.But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.鍙鎴戜竴鎯宠捣浣?浜茬埍鐨勪汉,鎵€鏈夌殑澶辫惤鍜岄仐鎲剧儫娑堜簯鏁?/p>

80.There is always something I havent said to you.Its not because of other things,its because I love you.

81.Perhaps this is love. Miss, care, looking forward to, meet, a smile, then cry. 涔熻,杩欏氨鏄埍鎯呫€傛€濆康,鐗垫寕,鏈熷緟,鐩歌,寰瑧,鐒跺悗鍝常銆?/p>

82.Youll know that you miss someone very much when every time you think of that person, your heart breaks into pieces.姣忓綋浣犳兂鍒伴偅涓汉,浣犵殑蹇冨氨纰庢垚涓€鐗囩墖鐨?浣犳竻妤氫綘闈炲父鎯冲康閭d釜TA銆?/p>

83.At this happy moment. I miss you very much.鍦ㄥ叏涓栫晫閮芥矇娴稿湪骞哥鐨勬椂鍒?鎴戞洿鍔犵殑鎯冲康浣犮€?/p>

84.Although the world and the life are bad enough, youth is good anyway.

85.Reading old messages and realizing how much you miss that person.鐪嬬潃鏃т俊鎭?鎵嶇煡閬撲綘鏄湁澶氭兂蹇甸偅涓汉銆?/p>

86.If i see you next to never,how can we say forever.濡傛灉鎴戜滑锛屼笉鑳界浉瑙併€傛垜浠殑鐖憋紝鍙槸姘歌繙鐨勬€濆康銆?/p>

87.Love and missing In my heart, are all belong to myself memories I ever have . 蹇冧腑鐨勭埍鍜屾€濆康,閮藉彧鏄睘浜庤嚜宸辨浘缁忔嫢鏈夎繃鐨勭邯蹇点€?/p>

88.Think of you in the distance, once gave me a pure friendship.鎯宠捣杩滄柟鐨勪綘,鏇剧粡缁欎簡鎴戜竴浠?绾殑鍙嬭皧銆?/p>

89.Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. 鈥斺€斿洖蹇?寰堢編鍗村緢浼?鍥炲繂鍙槸鍥炰笉鍒拌繃鍘荤殑璁板繂銆?/p>

90.There is always something precious about every moment. Even moments that don"t seem happy can be looked upon as something that you might miss someday.姣忎釜鏃跺埢閮芥湁瀹濊吹鐨勪笢瑗裤€傛瘡涓綘涓嶅揩涔愮殑鏃跺厜鍦ㄦ棩鍚庨兘浼氭垚涓轰綘鍘绘兂蹇靛洖蹇嗙殑閮ㄥ垎銆?/p>

91.Maybe when you miss me,i miss you too.

92.MOVEON doesnt mean youll forget all the memories. Youll still remember it, but it doesnt affect you anymore銆?/p>



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